
Begin by naming your POD file and choosing where to save it on your computer. Once you’ve determined the file destination, decide which files from your system you would like to incorporate into your POD. After selecting the files, proceed to establish your export preferences based on the specifications needed for your POD file. You can opt for individual file conversion or batch processing, which allows multiple files to be exported as a single POD file.

The visual on display showcases a software interface with a grey color scheme, featuring multiple sections and menu options. At the top, there’s a navigation bar with menu categories such as “File,” “Edit,” “View,” and others, with one highlighted in blue, indicating it might be currently selected. Below this navigation bar, there are tabs and drop-down menus open, displaying lists and settings that a user can interact with. These elements suggest the interface is designed for managing and exporting files, likely as part of a software tool used for creating and organizing digital files or resources.

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